We've found a beautiful home in Dallas and are slowly trying to get out and learn our new neck of the woods. We were really fortunate in meeting a delightful lady by the name of Jaye Lutz who is our realtor and has become a good friend too! So far we've discovered a nice little sports bar in the 'hood, The Box and a nice wine bar, UnWined and Tap. It's been so busy we haven't gotten out too much lately but I'm sure that will change!
We've had a few visitors from Memphis -- Joy & Steve Gilmore, Jay Long and Chip Grimm! I'm so thankful they all made the trek to see us....it sure brightened a few weekends! The Lovely Laura Aslakson is heading in this weekend so I'm sure that will be fun!!
Not much else to report at this time....but....remember -- be nice to one another and do something nice for someone!! Until then, I remain...
Yours Truly in Georgia