Happy Sunday to you all! Yours Truly and West have decided to skip
our usual Quest for Brunch this morning as we had quite an evening last night at Harrah's in Tunica, Mississippi. And, BTW....I love typing Mississippi. Yes, I do say the little saying each time I do it too...you know the one we learned in school...M-I-CROOKED LETTER-CROOKED LETTER-I-CROOKED LETTER-CROOKED LETTER-I-HUMP BACK-HUMP BACK-I (in case you had forgotten!) I did whip up a nice little omelet for myself and that was just dandy by me!
Anyway, the purpose of this little journey down SH 61 was to see Mr. Ron White at said Harrah's as an early birthday celebration for Yours Truly! We were meeting some friends, Bobby & Leah, and I must say I was very excited as I had never been to the Harrah's in Tunica before! And, Ron is so stinkin' hilarious I knew some good belly laughs were in store!
Now, I had to prepare for this evening so my newly found friend, Clare, met me at a cute little boutique here and helped me select a few outfits ....well, they weren't all for the evening but perhaps some pre-birthday shopping. The shopping goddess was on my side and I found some delightful treasures! After shopping, I went over to Clare's apartment and lounged at the pool with her, and several of her friends that I have been introduced to. It was a very relaxing afternoon indeed. And the weather.....Lordy but it was GLORIOUS!!!!

I headed back to the Casa Del West - Memphis Style and managed to sneak in a little nap before getting ready for the festivities. I figured it was going to be a later night than usual. I woke up, got dolled up and West was getting pretty dolled up too! We jumped in the car...80's music on the radio, sun roof open and headed to Tunica! Now, Tunica is right smack dab in the middle of what used to be just about all cotton fields. It's a nice little drive out of Memphis and we arrived in no time.
We got there a little early so we could give Harrah's a little of our money. Not too much....remember that shopping spree! But, we played some slot machines, won a little, gave it back and at the end of the evening, we were about even but it was fun! Now, did I mention we were having dinner before the show? No? Oh well...let me mention that we were having dinner at the Paula Deen Buffet! My oh My....it was simply the BIGGEST buffet I had ever laid eyes on.
The line to get into Ms Deen's was pretty darn long but fortunately there was a beverage cart set up so you could imbibe in a little pre-dinner libation while waiting. And, that line moved pretty fast to be so long. We made the most of the time and laughed and visited with Bobby and Leah.
I cannot even begin to tell you what all was offered once we got through the line and paid and were shown to our table. But I can tell you...it was crab legs night!! YT can just flat out put away some crab legs!! But, let me tell you what all I can remember about the buffet offerings: Prime rib, baked chicken, roast beef, shrimp, crab legs, lasagna, spaghetti, chicken and rice casserole, fried catfish, mac & cheese, creamed corn, corn on the cob, green beans, sweet potatoes, new potatoes, Lima beans, grits, and on and on!! I haven't even mentioned the dessert counter....cupcakes, cakes, pies, cobblers, and of course....Nana Puddin'!!!

By the time we had our fill, it was time to head to the event center. This was a really nice place! There was an opening comedian that was really good but we waited patiently and pretty soon he took the stage...Ron White! He is a little foul mouthed....but the things he thinks of.....just too darn funny and so real!!! We laughed so hard....I think we burned off 1/2 the calories at least from the buffet. I'm quite sure of it!! The show wrapped up around 11:00 and we spent a little bit longer back in the casino before heading to Valet and picking up the zoom zoom!
I must say it was just such a fun evening and I thank my beloved for treating Yours Truly to such a fun time! I am glad that we had new friends to share it with too - thanks to Bobby and Leah! Now, as we ease into Sunday, with a few chores under our belt, we plan on some major R & R this afternoon! Wishing everyone a peaceful, happy Sunday and remember...stay happy, be nice to each other and always make the most of every day! Until next time, Love Yours Truly.