Happy Early Spring from Yours Truly! I'm ever optimistic that I'll wake up and the sun WILL shine! It's been windy and dreary for so many days....I've almost forgotten what the sunshine actually looks like. None the less....it's trying!
This weekend Yours Truly and her beloved made a very quick road trip to visit our fabulous friends, Russ & Lori Nuss, in Sulphur Springs/Winnsboro, Texas. We arrived at the Nuss Retreat late Friday night and what a comforting sight we did behold when we turned off the CR into their driveway and saw them sitting outside, fire pit burnin' and beer chillin', as they waited for us!! I don't think there is anything much better than sitting around a fire pit, having a cold beverage, the gentlemen smoking cigars and catching up with good friends!!

Saturday morning we headed into town where our adventures began! Russ had to leave early and work as the city was hosting the 30 East Music Festival in their fabulously renovated downtown square. Lori, West and I made our way to town and right off the bat...we found a great little shop to visit. It was called Sweet and Salty and it is a popcorn/candy shop that sells all the OLD SCHOOL candy that we all grew up with and hold near and dear to our hearts!! Astro Pops, Giant Pixy Sticks, licorice sticks, bubble gum cigars, candy cigarettes, you name it...they had it!! They are working on their website but Like them on Facebook...they'll ship anything you want!!
We caught up with Russ and then decided since he was working, that we would make our way to The Red Barn for a bit of breakfast. This is just a local little cafe serving up some good ole boy type breakfasts! Of course this included biscuits and sausage gravy, topped with a scrambled egg and plate of hash browns for YT. I did show some restraint and ordered just the 1/2 breakfast, which for $2.95 you just couldn't beat!

Back to downtown we headed. We unloaded our coolers and chairs and claimed a spot near the stage for the day. Once settled in, West, Lori and I made our way through several of the antique shops around the square. Rick found his treasure in the first shop....and believe it or not, it was an old sign for a BBQ joint. It's going to look great at the Casa Del West En El Rio!! While West finished his transaction, Lori and I made our way down to the street to one of my fave-o-rite places to visit, LouViney Winery & Restaurant. We have been visiting LouViney's since it was just a small winery located on Hwy 11 in Winnsboro, Texas. Since they moved to the "big city" of Sulphur Springs, they have expanded and are now a full service bar/pub and they have a wonderful menu!! I'm happy to say I got to see a good friend Will Briggs, who is one of the owners.

Now, this Music Festival was already underway and after a little more shopping, we made our way back to our seats. The music line up was fairly interesting. One of the bands we enjoyed most was called Home By Hovercraft. Very unique style of music, complete with the "back up dancer" that does Irish foot dancing, I believe it's called. Oh, and did I mention....the band has a TUBA player? Yeah, that's right. Tuba. You don't see or hear that too much out of the marching/concert band arena! 
Check them out though! Another really great band was The Venetian Sailors. This band was just flat out awesome!! They had a chrome bass, mouth piano, and xylophone. The last of the 3 bands we all enjoyed most was Goodnight Ned.
The weather was threatening throughout the day and finally it started misting so we decided to call it a day and head back to the Nuss Retreat. Before we packed up, I was very happy to get to see Susanne & Nancy Briggs, also part of the LouViney gang! Sunday morning arrived and West and I got up bright and early. After loading up the car, and bidding the Nuss's a fond farewell, we pointed it back to Memphis....in the rain!
And so another adventurous weekend came to an end. That Mississippi River Bridge was a sight for sore eyes....even through the heavy rain! Niles The Wonder Cat was glad to see his people and my head was happy to meet my pillow last night!
Yours Truly reminds you, as always, to be nice to people, and tell the ones you love how much you love them!! Until next time -
I remain, Yours Truly