Enter Clare Myers. I met her my very first day working at FedEx Freight and she has become my #1 girl

I've met some other wonderful people along the way as well. West and I have become "regulars" at our favorite neighborhood haunt, Double J's Smokehouse And Saloon. It's had many a mention here in this blog. The folks all know us by name and a few even text to let us know we're missed when we happen to miss trivia night! And, I cannot fail to mention the sweet Lucinda! She's moved downtown since I met her and is just a few blocks up the street. It's nice having her so close by. She is a good patio buddy and loves to sit out and have a beverage after work as much as I do!
And, I cannot forget the FABULOUS Patty!!! Patty Harper and Faultline. Just a great local band! I met Patty and the band when they were performing at Wet Willie's on Beale Street. You might recall that she is the great one that handed me her tambourine the first time I saw them and let me become their Honorary Tamboruine player whenever I go to listen!! Just a beautiful lady, sweet soul and kindred heart! Fun to be around anytime!!