It was a heartbreaking day when I loaded up my zoom zoom and pointed it East. I was leaving behind so many things that were near and dear to me....my Mom, children, sisters, and friends. I was headed to a place where I had NO friends at all. What was I going to do?? Fortunately Rick's family was there to welcome me....but....I have to admit....I was really hoping I was doing the right thing with this move.
So, after bidding farewell to family & friends....and the house that had been our home for 13 years and my hometown of Sherman...I put on my big girl panties, loaded up Niles the Wonder Cat and got the adventure started!!
Those of you that know me, will recall that West had moved to Memphis several months earlier when he started a new job. And, that Memphis is his hometown...and that he has lots of friends....and history. Little bit intimidating to say the least.
Let me back up a moment and remind you that about 2 weeks prior to this fateful day, I had the opportunity to interview via Skype...yes, Skype for a position at FedEx Freight. I'm happy to report that interview went well and I'm still working for a great man, Dale Chrystie, who has since been promoted to Vice President. We've become a great team and good friends!!
Once I rolled into town on that Wednesday 2 years ago....I unloaded the car and let the games begin! I had a week to settle in, and try and learn my way at least to my office and back home! Fortunately, it was about 5 minutes from the house so that helped! I would go out and explore a little further each day...with the help of that soothing voice on my Garmin.
A week later, and I was up early and ready to begin my adventures as a FedEx Freight employee. I cannot tell you enough what a great place I landed in!! I have made so many good friends here and work with some really fabulous people!! But, the best thing that happened on August 8, 2012, was making my rounds through the office and being introduced to the different team members. As I stood talking to one lady, and joking about needing to find someone to have margarita's with....I hear from around a corner "I'm over here....come on over!!!". And lo and behold...THAT'S how I met the fabulous Clare Myers!!!

It was soon after I moved here that I began to write this little blog. It was a great way to get to know the city and find new adventures! I hope you have enjoyed reading about my little escapades as much as I have enjoyed HAVING these little escapades and subsequently writing about them! And with that being said...I remind you all to tell the ones you Love how much you Love them...be nice to everyone! And I remain,
Yours Truly