Tuesday, October 13, 2020


 After a very long hiatus, I thought I'd pop in and give a little update on life.  2020....what a year!!  But rewind to 2019....and that pesky little move we made to Dallas, Georgia.  Yours Truly tried her best to like it there.  Honestly!  We did have a lovely home in a very nice neighborhood and I did meet a few really nice folks along the way but ....I just could not get past that traffic!!   as Everywhere, every day, every hour....it was giving this girl Road Rage!!!  I told Miss Georga "Bye Felicia" as I left the neighborhood and once more when I crossed that state line!!

So back to Memphis Waste Connections sent us in February 2020.  Right before this nasty old pandemic sent us all into shut down mode!!!  We did have about 2 weeks that we were able to have a little catch up fun and some great food before going into hibernation.  

So....February we moved....March the GA house sold and I had to fly back to meet the movers and get everything into storage.  We were searching high and low for a new home in Memphis.  We were fortunate enough to find a beauty about 2 miles from our old neighborhood.  We moved in April 25 and have been busy on it since!!  I guess it was a blessing to be on shut down as it gave me lots of time to unpack, organize, etc.  

It hasn't taken long for us to get this house in order - including painting, renovating the kitchen and of course it had to have a beautiful front door!!  West has been busy turning the backyard into an oasis!

I lost my job also in April -- so I was at home eating bonbons until I started a new job in September.  I'm not going to lie...the break was very nice!  Let's recap...April 2019 sold house in Memphis, packed  up house to storage, moved to Georgia, found a house in Georgia, unpacked everything into new house.  February 2020 moved back to Memphis, March 2020 traveled back to Georgia to pack up our belongings  and prepare for house closing.  April 2020, located a new home in Memphis, closed, met movers, unpacked....WHEW!!!  2 houses sold, 2 house bought in a year.  Yeah, I needed a little break!!

On that note, I think it's a safe place to insert...AND THE REST IS HISTORY!!!  Lot of cooking, reading, playing Yahtzee, Cards, and watching TV.  

As always, I wish you all well and remind you....be extra kind to everyone and tell the ones you love how much you love them!  Until next time, I remain....

Yours Truly in Memphis

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