Yours Truly has really fallen behind on the posts lately. Please forgive me because so much has been going on in MTown.. West and I have FINALLY settled into a place of our own and the last 2 weekends have been dedicated to moving, unpacking, unpacking, and unpacking! It's looking really good after a lot of HARD WORK!!!!
The entire move got off to a, well, shall I say, BAD START. We signed a lease, and were told we could move in on November 3. So, YT made all of the arrangements...ALL of the arrangements. Moving company...check; utilities on...check; U-Haul Cargo Van....check; change of guessed it...check!! Then, I find out 2 days prior to D-Day that ...the current tenants are not going to be OUT November 3 but are MOVING on November 3. SAY WHAT?? You've got my $$, I have a lease that says NOVEMBER 3, and I can't move in??? This is not making me very happy. After some back and forth phone calls and emails, it's worked out that THEIR movers are going to be there Saturday from 2 to 4 and we can move in after 4. Ok, not perfect but it's a plan.
So, the big day arrives. I have to be there early to meet the furniture delivery truck since West and YT bought new furniture after 20 years.....yes, it's awesome. I go to the apartment and what do I discover??? She has not even finished PACKING YET!!!!!! WHAT???? This is NOT happening!!! But, being YT, I try to make the best of it and help. West hired a few of his workers to come help us move our local stuff so they get there and what do they end up doing? Yeah, they MOVED the current tenant out. Moved almost ALL of their stuff for them!!!
Well, in the midst of this, my furniture arrives. So, it's a 3-ring circus to say the least. Now, I mentioned that her movers were supposed to be there by 2:00. Guess what DIDN'T happen? If you guessed that her movers did not show up, well, you get a gold star by your name my friend! But, Cary and Tyrell, bless their little pea pickin' hearts, they just kept on moving her stuff out...they were work horses!!! Her husband, who was not there because he was already in Michigan, called at some point, discovered her PRE-PAID movers had not shown up and he called some of his buddies so the Calvary showed up and then it was a 5-ring circus!!! Now, keep in mind, after 4:00 we had told our movers that they could begin moving us in. So, begin they did....see 5-ring circus comment!
Oh, did I mention....she had a DOG that was running around during the middle of all of this? Oh, yeah, she did. Poor Cash...he was a good dog....but VERY confused!!! At long last....their stuff was gone. Now, she had scheduled someone to come in and clean at 4:00. This place was a pig sty and she was NOT a housekeeper....sweet as could be.....not a planner, not a cleaner. And, of course, the cleaning service no-showed. I sensed a pattern developing here. But, we made due.

Eventually all of our things were moved in, movers gone, helpers paid and gone and West and I were FINALLY in a new place of our own!!! We were bone weary and hungry so we cleaned up, walked down the street and found a neat little spot for dinner, Double J Smokehouse and Saloon. We mossied on in, crawled up onto a bar stool and I had one of the best steaks I've had since leaving Shertown....Shawn at The Library has spoiled me in the steak department. I now compare everything to his!!! This one came close, but did not surpass!! But, we did meet our lovely waitress, Murphy, and she was just sweet as pie! We had a great meal, dragged ourselves back home and fell exhausted into our bed.
It was indeed a long day...followed by many more long days but I'm happy to report that the Casa Del West Downtown is 99% unpacked and fully functioning! We are ready to receive guests and look forward to my daughter Ali and her husband TJ who will be our first when the come for Thanksgiving! So, I leave you now and remind ever thankful for what you have, tell the ones your love just HOW MUCH you love them and be nice to people!! Until next time, Love - Yours Truly.
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