After a busy week at work, Your's Truly was offered tickets to the Friday night Redbird's game by a very nice co-worker, Edna. West and I were most appreciative for these suite tickets!
We made our way downtown and secured safe parking. Now, the Redbirds are a AAA team for the St Louis Cardinals for those of you not familiar with this team. Their opponents for the evening were the Salt Lake Bee's.
We made our way to the Autozone Park, situated in downtown Memphis. This is a really nice stadium and the first visit for YT. We quickly located some dinner....grilled sausage with onions and plenty of mustard & a cold beer.
We made our way to the suite and settled in for the game. It was very nice to visit with Edna and we met her grandson & 2 of her boys, Brandon and Colby. Both were very nice and we enjoyed the visit. Brandon's buddy Joseph was there and very nice as well.
Sadly the Bee's had a mighty sting and the final score was 3-0. West and Your's Truly made our way a few blocks over to Beale Street. As this has been Elvis Week, there were more an a few sightings!! We visited one of our favorite places, Silky O'Sullivans and YT had her photo taken with Mr. Silky himself. He holds court in a most interesting throne of a chair that has wheels attached so I guess he can be a man on the move if need be. Silky was talking to a man, whose name I didn't catch but for you grillers out there, he invented The Green Egg. I know my fave-o-rite cousin Tony will know who this is being that he is the master of the green egg in his community!

After having a few beverages & dancing a little with the band, we left SO'S and walked down the street a bit. We stopped into a small stage area next to Tater Reds Voodoo Shop and listened to a very good blues band, The Delta Project. While their stage presence was in dire need of a visit from Stacey & Clinton, their music was so good!!\The guy on harmonic was quite the showman.
West decided he was ready to go, which you know Your's Truly was NOT ready but leave we did. But, as we made our way past the Checkpoint Charlie for Beale Street we ran into the best Elvis of the evening and a great photo op.

Hope you've enjoyed this and make some plans of your own to kick your heels up soon" until next time,
Love - Your's Truly.
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