Next? Little stroll to Main Street, past the trolley cars....right into the
The Majestic opened in the 1900's as a movie theatre. It is now a most delightful venue for dinner!! The evening began with a glass of a lovely Chenin Blanc...Mulderbosch from South Africa. It was presented as a luscious white wine...I like that...luscious. The appetizer menu was far too tempting with the likes of the traditional Memphis cheese & sausage platter and flatbreads...including duck confit. We knew we wouldn't have room for appetizer & dinner because just about that time....Charles...sweet, sweet, Charles brought the bread basket.
Now, Your's Truly being ever considerate, did take a moment to explain my scribblings taking place on the paper table cloth and did ask his permission to be included in my blog. He was ever so dear....and even asked for the address so he could read what Your's Truly wrote about his sweetness. Yes, West was there and he was fully aware that I was shamelessly flirting with Charles. But....he knows I love him and only him so it was ok.
Now, dinner...oh....dinner dinner dinner!!! Your's Truly had honey glazed grilled salmon...with grilled asparagus and jubilee rice. Now, I'm not sure what jubilee rice is...I kind of expected a full gospel choir to arrive when it was served but this was not the case...but it was delish just the same. West had a delictable grilled pork tenderlion served with OMG the best sweet glazed carrots that have ever passed these lips!!! Oh, and some fried oniony things.
During the course of this wonderful meal, Mr. Memphis himself proclaimed that he had never heard of The Majestic Grille and that we had discovered it together! I took special note of that....for sure!!!
Now, did I mention that during this meal in this rehabbed movie theater that they were actually showing a movie on a giant screen? I believe it was for ambience because they did not have the volume up (thankfully) because it was an old black & white...which YT is not real fond of....but I DID know the film right away...Arsenic & Old Lace. It seemed strange as I tried not to watch it.
Suddenly.....I said....uh the dessert tray was whisked past us by another waiter. About this time, Charles....sweet sweet Charles....came along to ask if we were interested in dessert. Well,you know we were since we had just seen it whisk we both shook our heads yes and in a flash...he had this magical display of shot glass size desserts which were the actual dessert and they were PERFECT! There were about 8 to choose from but Your's Truly selected the lemon cheese cake while West had the key lime pie. Ohhhhh yeah.
I am happy to report we made it back to our car....walked a little of the fine meal off so the elastic took a little breather. If y'all come this way...we'll be sure to hook you up with a fine meal at this wonderful little restaurant! Until next time, Your's Truly bids you good night....sweet dreams and a pleasant weekend to all!
That was great!